Trying to login to i3

hey guys,i installed i3 on my mate ubuntu 22.04.3(apt install i3) but the problem is i cant login to the i3 session, when i selected the i3 on the login page and entered it, i am redirected to the mate desktop environment. is there anyway i can log into i3?

Hi, @starstar080234 (sid) :slight_smile:

I don't use "i3" ("i3wm" - = "i3 - improved tiling wm" / "i3 Tiling Window Manager" ) but @Phantorm has published the following detailed Wiki tutorial, here in the Ubuntu MATE Community discussion forums, 19 days ago (on 19th July 2023) and last updated it 3 days ago. I suggest that you check it (if you haven't already) to see if it helps you:

HINT: In that tutorial, you'll see that some lines begin with a "play" arrow symbol (â–º). Click on that line to expand it. For instance, you'll see the following line:


Open your terminal and write to it:

  1. Install i3:
    sudo apt install i3
  2. Change your window manager to i3:
    dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/windowmanager "'i3'"
  3. Prevent desktop with icons to cover your windows:
    dconf write /org/mate/desktop/background/show-desktop-icons false
  4. Log out and go back:

Hint: You can use dconf-editor(sudo apt install dconf-editor) to easily change dconf.

If you click on that "â–º Installation" line it will expand to the following text:

" (...)
â–º Installation
Open your terminal and write to it:

  1. Install i3:
    sudo apt install i3
  2. Change your window manager to i3:
    dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/windowmanager "'i3'"
  3. Prevent desktop with icons to cover your windows:
    dconf write /org/mate/desktop/background/show-desktop-icons false
  4. Log out and go back:

Hint: You can use dconf-editor(sudo apt install dconf-editor) to easily change dconf. (...)"


This is a bug, if you want other DE use Replace arctica-greeter back to slick-greeter on 20.10 for better compatibilty with other desktop environments


lots of commands makes me feel scary
sad face

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