Ubuntu MATE 15.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 give away

Together we are stronger.

Thanks to the generosity of the Ubuntu MATE community the surplus funds from this month have been spent on 24 8Gb class 10 microSDHC cards, 12 USB to microSDHC adapters and a 12 port USB hub. You can see them in the picture below after being neatly arranged by daughter :slight_smile:

The next steps are to use Richard Hughes GNOME Multi Writer, which was packaged by Marc Deslauriers for Ubuntu Vivid, to flash them with Ubuntu MATE 15.04 for the Raspberry Pi 2 and give them out at an upcoming Raspberry Pi Jam.

Why? Because the next generation need to grow up with Linux being the lingua franca.


Right, that’s it, I’m gonna get me a PI 2… :grinning:

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