Ubuntu Mate 16.10 Feedback and a few bugs

Hello Ubuntu Mate Community,

because I’m new to Ubuntu Mate, I first want to say “Hello!” to everyone here.
I’ve just installed Ubuntu Mate 16.10 on my Laptop and I have to say that it runs very good. Before Ubuntu Mate, I used Linux Mint in my laptop and I wasn’t very happy with that.

But after trying Ubuntu Mate a few minutes, I found some bugs or how things that don’t do that what they are supposed to do:

  1. On lock screen, Ubuntu changes the keyboard layout. I’m from Germany and have a ‘y’ in my password, but when I type that into the field, I have to use ‘z’ instead.

  2. This is something Linux Mint also has: The ‘volume up’, ‘volume down’ and ‘mute’ function keys work, but they don’t do steps. There is only completely loud or mute…

  3. When I’m watching videos on YouTube and there’s heavy motion in the video, it appears that there are horizontal lines/cuts in the video that doesn’t look very good.

Besides of these tiny problems, Ubuntu Mate is a very good OS that I’m definetly going to use a long time.

Thank you for this OS,


PS: I’m using UM on Raspberry Pi 2, too. It would be great if Kodi will run with Ubuntu Mate on Raspberry Pi.

My laptop:
Medion P7643
Intel Core i5 6200U
nVidia Geforce GTX 950m
8 GB Ram
250 GB SSD + 640 GB HDD

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Well I can’t help with the first two, but the lines in the video (commonly called “tearing”) can usually be solved by going into MATE Tweak and changing the Window Manager from the default (Marco with Compositing) to either Marco with Compton or Compiz.


Well, I just didn’t know the word for it. But thank you, your tip is very good. The video is now very smooth.

Hi Leon and Welcome

Thanks for the feedback.
Can you please report the first two bugs on the tracker?
As @Kilwillie indicated, point three is normal consequence of default “low res usage” policy in Ubuntu MATE, for smooth video playback with no fuss, Marco+Compton is the way to go.



Hey @Leon, does your volume mute when you go past 86% on the volume slider? Cause that also happens to me. Im using some usb sound card like this one since my PC doesn't have an audio port. Do you use an usb sound card too?

@Cold I can’t tell you at the moment, because I did a workaround on my laptop: I use Ctrl+F10 for mute, Ctrl+F11 for volume down and Ctrl+F12 for volume up, just instead of Fn+F10…

I use my internal sound card of my laptop.