Ubuntu MATE 16.10 on Dell Inspiron 15

OK. I have a working MATE 16.10 desktop that benefited from Oibaf’s updated graphics drivers. I can load it without using nomodeset in grub. Please try it out and see if it helps.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers and then
sudo apt-get update and then
sudo apt-get upgrade

I also looked in Synaptic (Installed (upgradable)) and saw several upgrades from this ppa that weren’t upgraded by the terminal commands above. I left them for another boot.

If things go south on you, and you can get to a terminal, you can restore your system to its previous non oibaf state by using

sudo ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers

Good luck n.s.russell

Hey - no joy i’m afraid.
(Even with the ones from synaptic!)


I’m at my limits Nathan. I googled

linux driver for Intel Atom/Celeron/Pentium Processor x5-E8000/J3xxx/N3xxx Integrated Graphics Controller

and came up with what may be a way to go.


Edit: We’d put the file referred to above in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ instead of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/. See their thread.

I just have no way of knowing if this will work. If it was me, I’d pound on this for a few days before throwing in the towel. Sorry…

17.04 will be coming out soon. Maybe Intel will have gotten their act together by then.

I just think it’s bizarre that it was working on Elementary OS Loki…
It was working absolutely perfectly! - No fiddling with grub at all, it just worked out of the box.

I know it’s not a real solution, but I’m planning on getting a Triton / Aether from Entroware and returning the Dell laptop.

Similar specs. so should be fine!

Good to know - thanks Nathan. I booted Loki yesterday and it was a great “elementary” experience. Onward and upward.