My system:
HP Compaq 8200-Elite
Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz
I have Nvidia cards Geforce GT 710 and 210 in this system.
This computer has also Intel graphics in motherboard.
Now I have 2 heads from motherboard and DVI and VGA from both Nvidia cards.
Now this window manager works this Intel and one Nvidia card.
Second Nvidia card happen that if both heads are active then they try to make mirror situation.
If both of those heads are active then also those heads glitter, when I try to move window in other head.
I can fix this situation to close one head from this second card.
Is there some parameter, which fix this situation?
I test this more.
This original problem sometimes help shutdown and manual switch on.
Almost every time this problem come after restart.
I changed my monitors in my heads and then this problem do not come anymore.
My problem configuration was 3 different resolution and now I have only 2 different
resolution. I think that this 2 different resolution is easy to make and then less problems.
I have also seen that some configuration start HDMI port also operate.
I do not find any reason why HDMI operate some configuration and sometimes HDMI do not
I can say that Ubuntu Mate 17.04 2 Nvidia cards + intel graphics operate in same X windows and it is quite easy to configurate.