Ubuntu MATE 18.04 - Progress so far

Thanks Wimpy for these improvements that you are making in this Ubuntu distribution, I love Ubuntu Mate and I really think that Mutiny is better than Unity, because of the way it works and visually the desktop,
I like the long support LTS versions, I’m waiting to update to 18:04 and use its improvements,

thanks to Wimpy and the entire team.


Awesome work, and thank you! I’m happy to see features added to the filebrowser. Perhaps in a future release there will be a way to search xattr information in MATE Search Tool. It would be interesting to use xattr as a way to tag files. Hopefully by that time there will be nfs support for xattr too…


Fantastic work! I’m looking forward to the post on HiDPI, as well as the terminal-in-filebrowser feature you teased in the other post.


These are some great news! Congratulations. :slight_smile:

In 18.04, can we support the microphone mute button out of the box?


Has there been any progress with the panel wallpaper issue?

An export-import tool for desktop customizations would be nice to have.

I had to rebuild everything because the upgrade from 16.04 to 17.04 (or, was it 17.04 to 17.1? not recalling 100% which one it was) made the laptop unbootable—“kernel panic” was in the error message—so I had to do a clean install. (My SSD is not large so I don’t have a separate home partition.) I have used Backups before, but it does not restore everything—I’m guessing some files cannot be restored while the user is logged in.


@Isaiah_Sellassie you mean a tool to import/export your user config files (home directory)?

@orschiro - Yes, sir, you got it.

Ubuntu Mate keeps getting better! I have used Ubuntu with its various desktops to run servers for years (since the 6.06 days!). Mate works very well on all my hardware. I plan to test it on an ancient 32-bit Pentium4 system with 512 MB just to see how well it will do for a shut-in. LXDE is the smallest desktop in terms of resources, but it is not as well polished as Mate. I also like the fact that you can change its look and feel to mimic several of the commercial OSs that are available. Keep up the great work! I may try to the pre-alpha on a VM just for fun.


Hi, I test 18.04 in vm. There are many, many things that work great and quick and there are things that not.
So I have 2 questions:

Will firefox and thundebird have support for global menu and hud in 18.04 ?
Will be there theme support for qt5 apps like calibre to looks more gtk style?

Only 2 and it’s alpha stage. UbuntuTeam really GREAT WORK !!

Looks like AppMenu support (the thing that makes Global menus work) is being dropped from Firefox and Thunderbird, so don’t expect global menu to work with them in 18.04.

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does that means the menu string won’t be shown in firefox even when press ‘alt’?

Hey, love the window buttons applet!

Any chance it’ll be defaulted on the Contemporary layout?

Currently using Korora linux because the whole 17.10 family is a little on the unpolished side, but this’ll probably convince me to come back.

Also, I’d like to know if I can install the Ubuntu MATE HUD elsewhere, like on Linux Mint MATE. It really is the best Unity feature we lost.


There is still the same bug with the power manager;

  1. Boot laptop on AC.
  2. Unplug AC adapter.
  3. The screen dims to 50 percent. (As reduce backlight brightness is checked in settings)
  4. Then use brightness fn keys and increase the brightness to 70 percent.
  5. Leave laptop idle. So idle dim kicks in.
  6. When screen returns from idle the brightness is now at 50 percent, not 70 percent as you did set with the brightness fn keys.
    Why? Because the brightness setting with the fn keys only persist when you are on AC. And on battery the brightness is set to 50 percent of that AC setting. So when on battery you end up with 50 percent of what your AC setting was.
    Workaround? Uncheck ‘reduce backlight brightness’ in power manager.
    OR Better, install xfce4-power-manager.
    Would you think of changing mate-power-manager with xfce4-power-manager?
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I just installed mate 18,04 but i cant find any candidate for google chrome
any tips?

ah I already managed… some dependencies were missing but wasnt reported
i found out and managed to install version 65.0.3311.3 and running fine so far

Thumbs up for great work!
A request for including a easy to use USB formatting tool by default. I’m using mintstick in ubuntu mate, which is functioning well.


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after update today cant boot anymore
get a blinking cursor

will the Mutiny layout allow to put the launcher at the bottom?

@Markonuvo You can place the Brisk icon where ever you like :slight_smile:

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