Ubuntu-Mate 20.04.1 First Boot Hung on RPi 3

I am trying to install Ubuntu-Mate 20.04.1 (ubuntu-mate-20.04.1-desktop-armhf+raspi.img.xz) on my Pi 3, but the first boot hung shortly after completing resizing of the SD card partition 2 -- see https://www.mediafire.com/view/rjw3io8675urqcv/20210311_102808%255B1%255D.jpg/file and https://www.mediafire.com/view/qapdzzxb084ih6z/20210312_082244%255B1%255D.jpg/file.

FWIW the Pi 3 can boot Raspian Buster as well as Ubuntu-Mate 18.04 Beta 1 and 20.10 without any issue.

Any pointer would greatly be appreciated.


I had the same issue with RPi 3b+ and a freshly downloaded Ubuntu Mate image. Saddly enough, I had another image with Ubuntu Mate 18.04, and it updated to 20.04 and booted well without major issues. But with a fresh image it also stuck. I found no workarounds. Just installed the 20.10 image - it booted well.

I tried and was able to install and boot 18.04.2-beta1 and 20.10 -- but just not 20.04.1.

As a workaround I installed the 20.04.2 server image (ubuntu-20.04.2-preinstalled-server-armhf+raspi) then added a desktop package (using "sudo apt install").

FWIW, 20.04 with mate desktop performs very sluggish on my 3B to the point of being unusable, so I switched to lubuntu-core which yields appreciable improvement in responsiveness.

I know that the Lubuntu works only with 3B, but not with my 3B+. I guess you can safely upgrade your Ubuntu Mate 18.04.2 to 20.04 using upgrade to a LTS version. I just don't understand why they don't fix the 20.04 image so that it works from the start.

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Why is this not fixed yet???