Ubuntu MATE 20.10 reaches end of life

As of July 22, 2021 Ubuntu MATE 20.10 has reached EOL (End of Life) and is no longer supported. There will be no more updates or security patches for this release.

Being an interim release, these are only supported for 9 months.

How do I check?

See which version you are running by opening the :monitor: System Monitor and checking the System tab.

Still using 20.10?

The upgrade path will be to the current interim release, 21.04, supported until January 2022. To upgrade, open :update: Software Updater and follow the steps.

Or alternately, via the :terminal: Terminal:

sudo do-release-upgrade

There will be a 21.10, correct?

You bet there will be. It'll just take until (the end of) October for 21.10 to come out. In the meantime, you can instead try a pre-release version of 21.10 from: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/daily-live/current/. WARNING: Pre-releases of Ubuntu MATE, while usually perfectly usable, can also be unstable and include serious bugs. Do not rely on them for any mission-critical task!


Thanks, I know it's a little early for the development team to start talking about it in the forums. I can't test unfortunately, have to rely on stable versions.

Can you upgrade to 21.04 on the Raspberry Pi?

Hi, I have included my Ubuntu MATE version information below in the form of a screen shot. If I upgrade will it cause me to lose some of my programs and computer configurations? Also, does upgrading MATE upgrade Ubuntu automatically? Please let me know so I can make the correct choices. I had hesitated because I needed to find out what I would end up having to install again or reconfigure.


I hope it is not like Cinnamon 20.2 which was very unstable in my experience.

I am on UM 21.04 and Kernel 5.11
Works all well so far


I cannot find Software Updater and the Terminal command responds with "command not found." Any further suggestions? Winn

will 21.10 have the orca login screen bug fixed? After a fresh install and or upgrade? I would really like to take advantage of the standard releases but due to this bud, I'm still using 20.04 LTS

Will ubuntu mate 21.04 be released for the Pi soon?

Unfortunately, I do not have any visibility into the status of the 21.04 Pi builds.

You can follow the steps in the OP to upgrade a 20.10 Pi install to 21.04

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Yes you can! I'm on that right now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Please provide disk images because it takes to long for a afternoon project.

I too am on 21.04 5.11 and my system almost freezes when using Google Chrome and hitting the 'new tab'.
It doesn't happen all the time only infrequently but when it does I can do nothing except get to the Main Menu with the only option being the Shutdown Menu.
No use for mission critical work.
I have now installed the Brave browser to see how it goes. I have lots of tabs open and have been working with it for some days without the same thing happening so here's hoping.
BUG has been filed...

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