Ubuntu Mate does have linux-headers-4.1.19-v7

I am running a Raspberry Pi 3 using Kernel 4.1.19-v7 on 16.04.

I am trying to install openafs which requires the kernel headers but there is no corresponding header package. How do I either get the headers to update to a kernel where there is the appropriate header package?

Hi @psniffler,

try checking the Raspi installation instructions and see if you missed something?:

I don’t have one so cannot be of any real help!. :smiley:

4.4.0 is the current version of the kernel with 16.04 why don’t you use that and the headers are available.

If your insistent on using 4.1.19 you can get the source from kernel.org and extract it into /usr/src (but it is 79 meg compressed).

The Ubuntu 16.04 image for Raspbery Pis comes with a 4.1.19.

@psniffler You can update the kernel with

sudo rpi-update

but be aware that other problems arise (for example, no sound and no Bluetooth, see the other thread on this forum).

I had same problem, i update to kernel version 4.4.33-v7+ but still no headers/sources !!