Ubuntu MATE should narrow customisation options?

Sorry my friend, we are not PC Home Users ... Ubuntu Mate should be Ubuntu Mate ... I think we have already had this discussion...

Sorry my friend, Ubuntu Mate has the best customization, and it work amazing, no other desktop scale so well Like Ubuntu Mate, if you want more simple than this, go to Gnome Desktop designed for Home Users.

Sorry my friend, if you want to lock me ... you should lock yourself ... .
It looks like you are more smarter than developers, you know even what is best for them....

Sorry my friend, maybe you are lost, in the Linux world, I am not... Maybe you should return to Windows which is more familiar to you..

This topic is for "bugfix and new feature for 20.04", NOT FOR TRANSFORMING MATE TO WINDOWS or MacOS, maybe you should create a separate topic where you can request Mate transformation in whatever you want...