UI Oversized on HDTV but perfect on monitor

so i set everything up and everything’s running smooth until i connected my Ubuntu Mate sffpc to the TV. At first it did not fit so i turned down the over-scan and all was good with the resolution but my issue now is that the UI is way too large for the screen. issues im experiencing bellow

  1. UI size is extremely large. Windows will not fit into the resolution. ( set fonts to 6 for temp fix within Desktop ui)

  2. above fix does nothing for web browser UI (Chrome/FF etc) as i poste this i am zoomed at 33% in order to have the entire view visible.

so i am wondering if this is a known issue or if i am experiencing some odd bug. When i switch out to a monitor everything is fine with the ui sizes, but the TV is way off.
i have browsed around within the options but everything i have tried has had no effect. any direction would be greatly appreciated

Most HDTV sets have “overscan” so videos, movies, and TV shows don’t show black borders. This “cuts off” a computer desktop display making it hard to use as the menu/taskbars are usually what you can’t see.

Some usually higher end HDTVs have an option in their setup menu to turn off overscan for certain inputs. But many don’t.

Things like the Raspberry Pi, Android TV, and Chromebooks have configuration options to adjust the display to compensate for the overscan of HDTVs used as monitors. Although it can be tough to use if you don’t have a non-overscanning display to use to set them up.

I’d hope Ubuntu-Mate has the same, but I can’t tell you where it is or how to do it.

Hi @Latinostyles,

you can also try setting your TV screen format to “Auto”!. :smiley: