UM15.10 remote shutdown/reboot problem

I installed UM15.10 on RPI2.
There is a problem remotely using shutdown graphical button at the top right of the screen, no sign of shutdown/reboot action after choosing each of them.
But there is no problem in shutting down/rebooting by using command line(remotely).
Thanks to developer team.

Does anything happen when you choose "Shut Down" or "Log out..." from the System menu?

If it works there, you may need to reset your panels.

You could also try mate-session-save from the terminal to test:

mate-session-save --shutdown-dialog

Neither shutdown nor logout worked.

have you tried trough terminal (don’t forget sudo )
sudo shutdown -h now
sudo reboot

There isn’t any problem using CLI.

How are you connecting to the Pi?

I’m connecting Via xrdp.

I tried mate-session-save, but it didn’t work.

I'm not sure why the dialog isn't appearing, but I can suggest a workaround:

Add a new launcher to your panel with the command sudo shutdown -p now.

To avoid entering your password, you'll need to edit the sudoers file. In the terminal:

sudo visudo

Then add to the bottom:

yourusername ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown

Replacing yourusername with the user name of your user account. Then press CTRL+X then Y to save.

Simply put, this workaround bypasses the dialog and powers off the Pi with a click of a button. To restart, use: sudo shutdown -r now.

After adding a launcher with ‘application in terminal’ type and adding shutdown command,clicking the icon causes this error:
failed to execute child process"xterm"(no such file or directory.)

If you bypass the password authentication for the shutdown by adding the line to visudo, you don't need "Application in terminal" checked.

However, if you want the command to open a terminal (and ask for the password if you don't wish to bypass authentication), you'll need to install xterm:

sudo apt-get install xterm