Unable to download UM from Live USB

I've been trying to put UM on my laptop from a live usb,
It gets a popup saying:
"The attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in SCSl1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at boot/efi failed."
then the download bar stops a third of the way across.

Also I can't get wifi on the live usb (no driver?).
Laptop is a Dell Latitude.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

If the live usb boots, there should be a "Try Ubuntu" and "Install Ubuntu" buttons. In Try Ubuntu you can test if the wifi is recognized. If not, you need to do the install via a wired connection, then figure out how to enable wifi. lsusb should list your wifi device. Which dell lat do you have? specs?

I did think that, but I read somewhere it didn't need the internet to download, and I don't have a Ethernet cable handy.

I believe it's a P15G.

The install can complete without Internet. It will get all the files from the usb stick.

After you reboot, it would like Internet so that it can update files.

The specs show this laptop has Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 and UM should be able to see it.

Okay, well mine isn't completing.
I can't seem to C&P the read out either.

Maybe I'll see if I can put a different OS on it.

Tried a live usb of another OS I've tried before, and the wifi wasn't showing up, which maybe means it's the laptop not UM.
I'm going to find a Ethernet and see if that makes it work...

Is there anyway of downloading the drivers separately, then running them inside the live usb?

Okay, so it's nothing to do with the internet connect.
This is the problem:

I need to mess around with the formatting on the disk.
Any ideas?

I assume you want to wipe the disk clean and then install. Boot again from the live USB, Try Ubuntu, there should be a Disks app that allows you to format your disk. Careful not to format the USB stick.

I formatted the usb before reading your comment.
Is there anyway to reformat it or is it bricked?

EDIT: It showed up on balena-etcher, so I'm just putting UM back on it now.

So I used Disks app to delete all the partitions, then ran the download again, and it worked!!! I'm now running Ubuntu Mate on my daily. Thank you :slight_smile: