Update kpcli to latest?


Running 20.04.1-latest we have kpcli 3.1-3 available:

$ sudo apt search kpcli
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
kpcli/oldstable,oldstable,now 3.1-3 all [installed]
  command line interface to KeePassX password manager databases


Which dates from well over 4 years ago now:

        2016-Jul-30 v3.1 - Added the purge command.

However kpcli is still very much alive and doing well as we can see from https://sourceforge.net/projects/kpcli/ which has seen v3.5 released 5 days ago.

Therefore, is this the right place to request that UM updates it's software repo content with a bit of a newer version of this quite amazing binary?
