I had to do a fresh install of 20.04 LTS in order to use Clonezilla [clonezilla-live20200429-focal-amd.iso] on stick, to restore my image from 06/096/2020. [no trackball even booting from Clonezilla.
I suspect the microcode update, as with 18.04.3 I had problems - less severe - after a microcode update.
Hope mine is an isolated incident.
HELP please.
Can try again but 6 hours of sweat and frustration is not appealing.
20.04 LTS is the best since release 15. I like 20.04 LTS
Do you have secure boot enabled in BIOS ?
I know that if you are changing your kernel and secure boot is enabled, it will not boot with a signature error message.
Do you have some error messages ?
I've seen no indication of what's in the bios except that's it overtly MS with a narrow channel I slipped through to run Mate. I updated the bios [flashed it] about 3 years back [attached below] but have had no problems I can identify.
Motherboard MSI B150M Night Elf
I will retry the update tomorrow but if it still is faulty I can't even run Clonezilla-live to make an image.
(Attachment E7979IMS.170 is missing)
All's well. Did update and all's 100% with the PC. I keep forgetting it 's just a machine!