Upgrade kodi from 16 to 17


I have kodi 16 installed on Ubuntu Mate 16.04 via Software Boutique. I have run the latest updates and I still have kodi 16.

Is it just that the PPA that the Software boutique uses for Kodi hasn’t been updated yet and it will eventually update. Or is the something else I should do or as I am using a LTS it won’t update at all
Thanks All in advance


Hi @Alex_Kalliris,

it will eventually update, you must wait a little while longer. Kodi 17 is still in Beta so it may take a while yet!. :smiley:


Thanks for the reply. I will wait for the PPA to update. On the Kodi site Kodi 17 is now final release. I believe



Hi Alex,

I tried Kodi 17 on my Kodi streaming box (Arm ver) but it wasn’t stable at all, it crashed constantly and had a horrible Windows 10 look! (that was the first thing I changed after installing it!). :smiley:

As of January 27, it is in release version 4!. :confused:


There was an update today for Kodi. I believe to version 17. Now Kodi won’t start. I have tried uninstalling and re installing via the software boutique and still Kodi won’t start. Is there something that I need to do or will the PPA be fixed and will get it updated and fixed soon



Got it to work. I needed to uninstall Kodi. Delete the .kodi directory. Then reinstall and then it started. Seems the problem is some settings in the .kodi directory.



HI @Alex_Kalliris,

I have as of yet not done the upgrade, I have just run the updater and it is there, I will see hat happens when I do my upgrade and follow your advice if necessary. :thumbsup:

I have marked this thread solved!. :smiley:


I just did the upgrade to Kodi 17, it is shot and hardly anything is working in terms of what I can or cannot use. :frowning: I recommend sticking with Kodi 16 if you have it installed!. :smiley: (My personal opinion!).