Using Bleachbit or not?

I’ve read both good and bad reviews; for me having a configurable tool used to keep things clean is preferable than having to create scripts to perform tasks.
I’ve used bleachbit since I first started using Ubuntu and knock wood I’ve never had it trash my system.

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I recently discovered this tool, and I’m pretty glad I did! :slight_smile: I’m always keen to clean up my system and certain folders. Simulating and double checking what’s it’s about to erase is what I always do, especially when root.

My production system SSD went down to 7.3 GB! That’s with my apps (excludes data, games and large apps).


I too use it since I cannot remember when!. :smiley:

A link for beginners:

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Also a Bleachbit user for years. I also clean out the “Localizations: Delete files for unwanted languages”, which it warns against. I’ve never had a problem doing so. In fact I have scripts to clean out more Localizations on my own.

I keep the Apt Package lists so I don’t have to rewrite the apt-get update so often.


I’m using it to clear out the ‘leftovers’ on my beta 1 install :slight_smile:

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That language warning is just to be sure your set on the right one. You can remove over a gig of unwanted localizations first time you use it. I have used BB for years and still do, its handy, its fast and as long as you get it set up right, its safe :slight_smile:


I’ve never had a problem with Bleachbit either. As always, just be sure you know exactly what you’re doing. I would say, yes, in my personal experience it is safe.

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Hi all,

I found this alternative to BB!: