Vivaldi fails to load on 20.04

I installed the armhf .deb package on Ubuntu MATE 20.04 Focal Fossa.
I tried to run it from the icon in the Menu and it didn't work. So I tried to run from Terminal to see what the issue was.

I ran it from the terminal and got this:

[2473:2473:1216/] Failed to locate and load the component updated flash plugin.
[2508:2516:1216/] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018
../../chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/**CRASHING**:seccomp-bpf failure in syscall 0403
[2473:2473:1216/] UI Process abnormally terminates with status 3 after running for 1.87996 seconds!
[2473:2473:1216/] Quiting Vivaldi
../../chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/**CRASHING**:seccomp-bpf failure in syscall 0403

I've used this before on Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) with no issues, but I switched over to Ubuntu MATE and now I'm having trouble.

I can't speak for your version, but the one that I installed from Software Boutique works fine in my system 20.04.1.

I use 20.04.1. I tried looking in the Software Boutique and I can't find Vivaldi.

Not sure what's happened there for you. I'm using 20.04.1, I've just opened Software Boutique and Vivaldi is there for me.

Are any browsers in Software Boutique for you?

Yes, there is Chromium (nope), and FireFox (ver 83, but fails to sync profile data)

No Vivaldi