WARNING: Unable to find provider '' of required component 'dock' HOW TO FIX?


In LogFile-Manager I get this error-message:

WARNING: Unable to find provider ‘’ of required component ‘dock’

How can I fix this?

Yeah, it’s been in the MATE Desktop since 1.12 and still in 1.20. History anyone?

The top Google search finds this: https://www.remembertheusers.com/2017/01/0278-mate-session-manager-looking-for-a-dock.html

There is a cure there but I am uncertain if some desktop configurations may have issue with it or not.

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thanks! I’ll try it…

hmm, I don’t know when I remove the “dock” at
dconf-editor = “org/mate/desktop/session/required-components-list”

I use “Plank” as dock.

I’m thinking I’ll shoot my system when I remove the “dock”?

Knowing very little about docks I tested the “Cupertino” panel in an 18.04 virtual machine and discovered it does use “Plank”.

But now, every reboot no longer has that warning. Went back to “Traditional” and that warning reappears.

So I edited out ‘dock’ in the required-components with dconf-editor and sure enough, Plank no longer loads on reboot. The rest of the desktop looks normal but I’m out of my experience with it.

Not sure why you even get it with my results. Since it’s a warning, not an error, I’d just ignore it.

ok, I’ll ignore it :slight_smile:

WARNING: Unable to find provider ‘’ of required component ‘dock’

I use PLANK as default Dock in Ubuntu Mate 18.04.

Maybee the Ubuntu Mate team fix it in the future…