Warzone 2100 Video problem in Ubuntu Mate 16.04

Hello everybody,
I installed Warzone2100 and it was ok when I started it but I had aa problem as its screen was small so I went to Options and changed the video size to full screen and video resolution to 640 x 800 (which I think was a mistake) and when I started it I was glad it was full screen BUT it was much too large that I couldn’t see the entire menu, I can only see ‘Single Player’. I tried three times uninstalling then installing back again but the problem remains the same.

Kindly help out guys. Thanks

ok I solved this by doing the following

  1. opened Terminal

  2. I then typed this command (so thta warzone will run and open up in a window mode, small enough to see all the menu options :
    rex@rex-HP-Mini-210-4000:~$ warzone2100 --window

  3. went to Options --> Video Options

  4. Changed Graphic Mode (from fullscreen) to Windowed

  5. changed Video Resolution (from 640x800) to my current display video resolution which is 1024x600


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