Why I'm using Ubuntu MATE

Plank and I choose it in Mate Tweak, simply check the box to enable the dock

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In my country (Iran), we are not worried about using proprietary software and/or OSes.
Since, Firstly we already having below standard privacy - government is already spying on anyone and also people here having more human right concerns than being worried about software idealism and digital idealism!
and secondly! No one pays for software stuff! We simply hack and crack software or OS that needs charge and make it free for ourselves. Because they are too expensive in our national currency and also it's not such easy to buy their license due to the sanctions and other restrictions.

So... I'm not using linux for any of those possible reasons!
I started using linux five years ago and for my first try... I was defeated. But now linux environment has been improved a lot. It's much different than before. And now it's my second try.
I'm using linux now; simply because I think it's a better software. It's a better made.
And by using wine and bottles you easily can run MS softwares on your linux, maybe not 100 percent of them.
For photoshop and others I'm forced to still use windows 10 that I have on dual boot


I've also been using cairo-dock for years running on Ubuntu Mate. It's working OK on Ubuntu 22.10 running on a Lenovo P320 ThinkStation with 64GB RAM. I've also installed it OK on the upcoming Ubuntu Mate 23.04
Perhaps its a hardware issue in your case.

Many thanks for the reply @MaxwellHunt - I'm also using a Lenovo but a T440p ThinkPad.
Do you think it would be hardware if cairo-dock works on UM 18.04 but doesn't work on UM 22.10 (on the same laptop)?

Hmm. Was it a fresh install of 22.10 or did you progressively upgrade from 18,04?

Both actually: I had an 18.04 VM (where cairo-dock was working fine) and upgraded to 20.04 (cairo-dock still working) then to 22.04 where cairo-dock stopped working.
I then did a fresh install (also on a VM) to 22.04 but cairo-dock fails there too.
I've also tried upgrading them to 22.10 but no joy.

So, it's a problem of Ubuntu Mate VM running on Windows?
I do it the other way round. I run Ubuntu Mate directly installed as the host with windows 10 and 11 VMs.
I also have UM 22.10 running OK with cairo-dock on a VM with Ubuntu Mate 22.10 as the host.
Have you tried installing Ubuntu Mate 22.10 as the host OS?

Sorry, I should have said I also have UM 23.04 running OK with cairo-dock on a VM with Ubuntu Mate 22.10 as the host.

What I don't like about Ubuntu MATE:

  • Ummm, I can't seem to think of anything right now. I'll have to get back to you on this

What I like about Ubuntu MATE:

  • It actually works
  • It's never crashed on me, or I can't remember whether it did, or it's easy to discover what makes a program crash so you can keep it from crashing again and then have a hard time remembering whether it did
  • It looks great (well, you know, if you're creative with the color scheme)
  • It's downright stable and snappy
  • I love the default and unusually smooth way it handles memory and swap memory
  • I love the ability to change desktop pictures without having to click an apply button
  • All software, including KDE software, runs well (though you'll need to use a light theme to see adequately some KDE programs and, for some other KDE programs, refresh customized appearance after program launch to read popup tooltips; but, KDE otherwise runs well)
  • It focuses on what's important and abandons what's unimportant
  • It's easy to customize (so you can EASILY be creative with the color scheme)
  • It's got a good number of options
  • Its idiosyncrasies--which every single desktop, system, and program will have--are easily dealt with
  • It gives me everything that I could possibly want (EXCEPT that it can't seem to open webp image files on the desktop--BUT I can paste a screenshot of a webp image into LibreOffice Impress and export to jpg, so . . . )


Ubuntu MATE is my third Linux experience (of the distributions that I fully installed for several years) and now my FIRST-PLACE WINNER. The fact remains that someone new to Linux might be frustrated with taming the wild MATE beast: It's better to first get some Linux experience elsewhere, so that you can get a feel for how and where to look to fulfill demands. But MATE favorably has the ability to meet all demands, in one reasonable way or another. Once you've figured out how to open the MATE door--you'll always be inside MATE.

To give you an idea of how things can be with MATE, I'll describe this: I like Muon Package Manager (for the installation of software). So, I first used MATE Software Boutique to install Synaptic Package Manager, then used Synaptic Package Manager to install Muon Package Manager, then used Muon Package Manager to install all of my favorite software from the Ubuntu repository. This is an example of how MATE might confuse some who are new to Linux and who don't yet know about the different package managers and the other ways of installing software.

Stable, snappy, and good-looking. The GTK version of a cross of sorts between Kubuntu and Lubuntu? WAY better than Xfce.

Note: Typed this up using Kate on Ubuntu MATE (while listening to some Vocal Trance on YouTube, courtesy of Firefox).

See the screenshot of my MATE desktop.


I'm using ubuntu MATE, and I chose MATE specifically because:

  1. GNOME 2 was my favourite desktop back when I started daily driving Linux (2004, ubuntu warty)
  2. Because it's lightweight for today's standards, and it runs smoothly and snappy on my old 2011 27" iMac
  3. Because is a Desktop environment made for Desktop computers. It's amazing how good it works on a desktop PC when compared with some other "modern" DE, made for touch, swipes and laptops.
  4. Because it still looks amazing with the right theme and compiz. See my screenshot below :slight_smile:
  5. Because it still supports global menus.
  6. Because it's really stable and distraction free
  7. Because it's made by @wimpy. And I trust him more than my mom :slight_smile:


I want to add a couple more screenshots to my post, but am DEVASTATED to discover that there is no edit button. Guess I'll have to post a REPLY, instead.

I'm replying to this post:



OP makes a lot of great points. Really good post.

I too had issues with the dock remaining stable on Ubuntu Mate 22.04. Did some tweaking for a bit and now it seems like I am in good shape. Like other posters pointed out, Plank seems to work well and is installed by default, I believe.


As the first poster said, I'm thinking the same.
Coming from DOS 1.25 to WIN11, I did several attempts to make Linux work for me, but every time I did, it ends with some disappointment.
I demand to much from a OS.
I want to do MIDI and MOD XM Amiga sound things and handle converting several audio and video formats. use a program like TinyCad Use Adobe photoshop and for Browsing to use Opera.
Wanted Whatsapp and that works now in web version.
I have Mate installed now for 3 days and the list of things I cant do is growing.
I will persist this time to make things work for me but if it stays is the question.

You can install 'milkytracker' , a clone of "fasttracker 2"
It plays/edits .MOD and .XM files

You can install "winff" for videoconversion or "handbrake".
Also, the mediaplayer "VLC" has some conversion options.
For audioconversion you can install "soundconverter"

I usually use a terminal application called "ffmpeg" which can convert anything to anything including use of hardware acceleration.
However, the learning curve is a bit steep, so you might be a bit overwhelmed at first.

To install the aforementioned applications, open a terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install milkytracker
sudo apt-get install handbrake
sudo apt-get install winff
sudo apt-get install soundconverter

There is also a graphical software installer available called "synaptic" with the capability of installing over 80.000 readily made applications

sudo apt-get install synaptic

Now here follows a disclaimer:
I only have PC's so I don't know if all of the above mentioned applications are available for the raspberry pi.
But it is at least worth a try :slight_smile:

P.S. I haven't run MS-Windows for over a decade (except for games).
Everything I do is with Ubuntu-MATE and Ubuntu-studio including: video editing, photo-editing, multitrack/multichannel audio recording/editing, etc. etc. etc. so I know a thing or two about replacing MS-Windows applications with Linux applications. If you need some tips, just ask :slight_smile:


Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS crashes on several Dell computers where I installed it.

I have ubuntu Mate on Dell Optiplex and it works perfectly.

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it's not that Mate looks like Windows, everything looked the same back then. It was the default, for Linux, BSD, Apple and Windows. Why? Because it makes the most sense. But then people decide on "convergence" that every OS should work the same on a PC, tablet or smart phone. Unity was one of Linux attempts. Then someone decide work flow and/or docks were the answer, but in the long run they were only confusing.

I love and prefer the traditional desktop. I was burned by smaller OS's like the first Solus and Point Linux, when you wake up and your OS's servers are shutdown without notice. So I like there is a major distribution behind Ubuntu Mate. I love Ubuntu Mate is a community edition, and avoids the more commercial and intrusive aspects of it's parent company. It has the best, friendliest, most helpful forum in Linux land. Last is what I appreciate the most, stability and usability.
Yet change is coming and I have questions about snaps. I hope they don't completely take over Ubuntu Mate, and I still have the choice of .deb. files. The best thing about Linux is choice, so hopefully Ubuntu Mate keeps giving us choice.


I still have an old Ubuntu Mate on a dell optiplex 780 PC. There are no more updates. Expired April 23rd.

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.5 LTS 32Bit which is very stable and does not crash

I now know what caused this problem. Turn off the PC completely, yes because the mainboard was still running when it was shut down. So unplug the power cord and then plug it back in. Turn on the PC and boot up. I read it in the manual. Called cold start.