Why I'm using Ubuntu MATE

You can install 'milkytracker' , a clone of "fasttracker 2"
It plays/edits .MOD and .XM files

You can install "winff" for videoconversion or "handbrake".
Also, the mediaplayer "VLC" has some conversion options.
For audioconversion you can install "soundconverter"

I usually use a terminal application called "ffmpeg" which can convert anything to anything including use of hardware acceleration.
However, the learning curve is a bit steep, so you might be a bit overwhelmed at first.

To install the aforementioned applications, open a terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install milkytracker
sudo apt-get install handbrake
sudo apt-get install winff
sudo apt-get install soundconverter

There is also a graphical software installer available called "synaptic" with the capability of installing over 80.000 readily made applications

sudo apt-get install synaptic

Now here follows a disclaimer:
I only have PC's so I don't know if all of the above mentioned applications are available for the raspberry pi.
But it is at least worth a try :slight_smile:

P.S. I haven't run MS-Windows for over a decade (except for games).
Everything I do is with Ubuntu-MATE and Ubuntu-studio including: video editing, photo-editing, multitrack/multichannel audio recording/editing, etc. etc. etc. so I know a thing or two about replacing MS-Windows applications with Linux applications. If you need some tips, just ask :slight_smile:


Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS crashes on several Dell computers where I installed it.

I have ubuntu Mate on Dell Optiplex and it works perfectly.

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it's not that Mate looks like Windows, everything looked the same back then. It was the default, for Linux, BSD, Apple and Windows. Why? Because it makes the most sense. But then people decide on "convergence" that every OS should work the same on a PC, tablet or smart phone. Unity was one of Linux attempts. Then someone decide work flow and/or docks were the answer, but in the long run they were only confusing.

I love and prefer the traditional desktop. I was burned by smaller OS's like the first Solus and Point Linux, when you wake up and your OS's servers are shutdown without notice. So I like there is a major distribution behind Ubuntu Mate. I love Ubuntu Mate is a community edition, and avoids the more commercial and intrusive aspects of it's parent company. It has the best, friendliest, most helpful forum in Linux land. Last is what I appreciate the most, stability and usability.
Yet change is coming and I have questions about snaps. I hope they don't completely take over Ubuntu Mate, and I still have the choice of .deb. files. The best thing about Linux is choice, so hopefully Ubuntu Mate keeps giving us choice.


I still have an old Ubuntu Mate on a dell optiplex 780 PC. There are no more updates. Expired April 23rd.

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.5 LTS 32Bit which is very stable and does not crash

I now know what caused this problem. Turn off the PC completely, yes because the mainboard was still running when it was shut down. So unplug the power cord and then plug it back in. Turn on the PC and boot up. I read it in the manual. Called cold start.