23 April 2016 21:08
As far as I know, Ubuntu MATE is just a 32-bit OS for both the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3, but 64-bit support might happen during the 16.10 cycle (Raspberry Pi 3).
A similar question was asked here:
Tell me if I am wrong, but the Raspi 3 using using ARM A53 cores? Those cores have some really nice FPU’s I did some single core tests and one single core was capable of ALMOST beating a Intel Celeron of 1.5Ghz according to hardinfo FPU bench marks, and I have 4 of these! If I understand ARM arch, if I had the CPU in 64b mode, I could get more accurate results if I was working with 64b math.
With that in mind…
Wimpy, r u guys planning a 64b Ubuntu MATE project for Pi 3? If so, you may be the f…
Some quotes from @Wimpy :
The Foundation have no plans to work on a 64-bit native version. In fact, aside from the kernel, their images are still ARMv6.
It is unlikely an ARMv8-A build will be feasible for 16.04.
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