I have installed 16.04 (ubuntu-mate-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso) on a desktop with a Jetway JNC9KDL-2550 motherboard. The computer does not have any Bluetooth devices (see below) however the Bluetooth applet was automatically added to the Desktop during the OS installation. Interestingly, the applet is not visible when accessing the host from a Windows box via RDP.
I suppose there are two sides to this posting:
Do the installation scripts need to be fine-tuned to only add the applet when Bluetooth hardware is found, or is this a bug (I couldn’t find any bluetooth bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate)?
Why is the top panel different (no Bluetooth applet) when connecting via RDP?
Here is the output of the commands I have used to list any Bluetooth device recognised by the OS (essentially no output):
user@host:~$ dmesg | grep -i blue
user@host:~$ sudo lsusb | grep -i blue
user@host:~$ hcitool dev