hi, i just recently bought a pi 3 model b with ubuntu mate pi 3 edition (16.04) installed.
so i attempt to connect to my home router, i click on the network and hit connect insert the proper password and connect and it doesn’t work. i try the same thing at a friend’s house and it still doesn’t work
is anyone else having this issue?
please, i need answers
I wasn't aware it was sold with Ubuntu MATE pre installed. A new version of 16.04 (16.04.2) was released a few days ago, can you maybe try and use this one? (You need to re-write the µSD card)
have you rebooted the pi? It says on the recent release that on first boot the wifi WILL NOT WORK, and to reboot and you should be good to go.
ALSO, the Pi 3 is an 802.11 b/g/n device and probably wont work on newer AC style routers or older 802.11a routers. Depends on your country but the radio bands in your country might not be supported and possible reconfiguration of the region channels. In the US the wifi connects and works well, however, keep in mind that the pi cannot compare to a real desktop in that it only uses a few watts and has only 1GB RAM (Pi 3)
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Hi @Michael_Rinkle, thanks for the tip. I was searching everywhere how to setup and configure the built-in wifi of my pi. Turns out I just needed to restart it haha. Isn’t that the first thing everyone should ask? “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”.