16.10 Desktop Screenshots

Hi there. I can see that 16.10 does not have it's own topic about screenshots, so maybe i'll be first to post my 16.10 desktop screenshot :slight_smile:


Nice Desktop pic!. :smiley:

Sure, I'll share mine. I had an addiction with sharing my Gnome desktop, but the changes not too long ago resulted in abandonment of it. Then came Mate, and I've been using it for all my desktop computing.


Hope I did this right, it's my first post so I think I'm entitled to my first 3-5 amateur posts. :slight_smile:


This thread reminds me of how much I need to start hunting for some serious backgrounds. Is there any particular packages that one should check out?



if you want the Ubuntu wallpapers, install Synaptic (if not already installed) and search “wallpaper”, tick all the boxes for wallpaper (be careful not to tick artwork), there are plenty of wallpapers you can install directly!.

Use the following terminal command (Ctrl + Alt + t) or “Welcome” to install Synaptic:

sudo apt-get install synaptic

You can also search the web for sites like the following one!:


Thanks @wolfman

I’ve also found Variety ( https://launchpad.net/variety ) which seems to be connected to a wide collection of quality pictures. It also effortlessly changes the desktop background either on demand or every X.


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