18.04 has no network icon!

Yes, If I do run nm-applet, the wifi networks do show up. It did allow me to connect wirelessly, but I really do not want to have to run this every time I reboot.

I solved this in 18.04 final by adding to Panel ‘Indicator Applet Complete’ — it has Bluetooth, Network, Battery, Volume and Session. The old ‘Notification Area’ is still there, and it has Skype showing. At first everything else was missing, but now Volume has showed up again. I have 2 Volume controls, which I can ignore.

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You can also run the following terminal command in case of missing dependencies?:

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -f

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Isaiah_Sellassie, I appreciate the suggestion, but the Indicator Applet functions a bit differently. It is less customizable and also does not show the lock icon when connected to a VPN, for example.

wolfman, thanks as well for offering a possible solution. I tried checking for and addressing missing dependencies previous, but to no avail. The fact that the icon can be temporarily restored by loading an old panel configuration or by keeping a terminal open after running sudo nm-applet suggests that there’s not a missing dependency at play.

A bug has been reported for this problem:

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I managed to make the network, keyboard and sound icons show again in the taskbar by doing the following and it doesn't require to re-run it each time you reboot:
editing /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop and changed



Exec=dbus-launch nm-applet

My nm-applet.desktop file looks like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Manage your network connections
Exec=dbus-launch nm-applet

I tried this but I only get to see the following, missing the network connection:

Does it still work for you? I see that a bug has been reported...

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Yes, the complete indicator applet is working for me.

I tried a panel reset with right mouse click but that didn’t help either. :pensive:

Are you sure you added ‘Indicator Applet Complete’? There is another one called ‘Indicator Applet’ that shows only some, presumably those that have current notifications.

Yes. :pensive: I just tried it again, same result.

Dashy’s solution to edit nm-applet.desktop to launch with dbus worked like a charm. Persists after reboot and everything. Thanks, Dashy!


This worked to me Ubuntu 16.04 Mate 1.12.1
I added "sudo" in front of "nm-applet" in "modify starting program" !

I think that the problem is when you upgrade from a previous version of Ubuntu Mate to 18.04. The top panel with the menu bar has changed in the latest version, and this causes conflicts.

To fix all the issues, just right-click on the top panel and press “Reset panel”. From that point, you’ll see that the menu has changed and that the “Indicator Applet” is the new widget for all your network, bluetooth and other options.

Moreover, I was also having problems with the (Caja) Dropbox icon not showing up, and now everything seems correct.

I hope this helps!


The reset panel worked great ! thanks a lot.

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Thanks SRG, your tip about resetting the panel caused my owncloud (nextcloud) icon to show up and restored my missing network icon at the same time. :slight_smile:
Also, thanks to any devs who might have been working behind the scenes to make this possible.

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Somehow, last week my system apparently hosed itself. SOMETHING happened, and the unbootable system had a blank disk. NO idea how it happened; this is expected with Windows.:wink:

Anyway, a complete installation was in order. Now, the network icon is present.

Fortunately, I have gotten used to compiling Aqualung, my go-to music player for a radio show.

Left the Ubuntu repos some time ago. A PPA was up, but it doesn’t have a Bionic version.

Hi all, I had this exact same problem. I fixed it by simply going to the very top bar, right clicking and then selecting reset panel. This brought back the complete panel for me. Hope this helps!

how, or where are instruction on what ‘Indicator Applet Complete’ is, where to find it, and how does one "add" it?

Days, into weeks, just to figure it out and still can't find some o the 'icons' or apps, or sudo thingies or what-evers, just to connect to Windows. Arrgggg!!!
I just want the Mate to drop files on the Windows folder somewhere, anywhere.


Right click the Panel, and choose Add to Panel. In the list that shows up look for 'Indicator Applet Complete' and add it, then move it to where on the panel you want it.

I'm catching up on some old stuff. FYI, my problem was (probably still is),. ignorance. Dum-dum here installed Ubuntu - and should have installed Ubuntu MATE. Once I reinstall but with MATE this time, it was like a a bright beautiful sunrise. :slight_smile:


Thanks SRG, your tip about resetting the panel, my hiding icon such wifi already back to my panel. Your tips work for me..