Using Ubuntu Mate 18.04, the icons in the indicators area of the panel have a large space between them, in comparison with Ubuntu Mate 16.04. How to reduce the space between the icons of the indicators area in the panel ? Screenshot below. Thanks in advance.
It’s a behavior of a applet indicator, i think that it can’t modify.
In the image of ubuntu 16.04 maybe you was use Notification Area and recent install (18.04) you are use a Indicator Applet Complete.
Try to use Notification Area addon in your 18.04 flavour.
Same space between icons with the notification area. Too bad.
Well, I think the operating systems are just like a women
The first one that you’ve ever met had small space but the next one… khm… sorry…
I dont know why this is happening… I mean between icons…
The same situation is on my monitor also, but I’ve asked so many questions in the last 24h so I will shut up
But the space between shouldn’t be a barrier for the real user… I mean lover… or both as well
“Let the other to ask about that you already found by yourself”
Solved here: