18.04 installation, Mac Mini, MacBook

Hi all.

My first post here. I’m reporting on my recent installation of 18.04 on two Apple Macs.

MacBook 2008
I tried installing the 64-bit version, but it kept glitching when formatting the disk. I ended up using the 386 version and it worked well. The important thing to do is to make sure the hard disk has no partitions on it to start with. If you “Try Ubuntu” first, you can use GParted to remove any existing partitions. The standard install worked with no tweaking. I created a “Startup Disk” memory stick from my existing Ubuntu Mate 16.04 host using the 18.04 386 iso image . If the HD has partitions on it to start with you need to use the “hold the command (alt) key down on powerup” procedure, and select the USB drive to boot. I accepted the default suggestions for partitioning and an EFI boot was the result. This meant that I didn’t have the 30-second white screen wait that you get when you have a non-EFI image on the HD. The performance is excellent, despite having only 2G of memory. I did however use a SSD hard disk, which improves performance.

Mac Mini 2010

Again, the standard install worked, using the same procedures as the MacBook above, except this time with the 64-bit version. Again, and EFI installation was the result of taking the defaults, and it works fine. I upgraded the memory to 4G (because I had some spare) and I used a SSD. The performance is great.


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