20.04 compiz reloaded

Considering the following guide to install compiz reloaded for 19.10, I test it the installation in 20.04 and it failed + almost Mate was broken included mate-settings-deamon, marco, main theme. Bellow the big log on installation of compiz reloaded if it help some:

I am not sure if this is a failure state. I had tested with a live session of 20.04 and both python-dev-is-python2 and python-dev-is-python3 allows for the compilation to finish without errors.

Had you previously set python-dev-is-python3 in prerequisites?

Yes. There is no problem to compile. The problem is when I execute compiz --replace almost Mate is broken. Easy to produce with a fresh install of 20.04 with virtualbox.

I will investigate that. I only managed to make compile work, never tested use. Much folly of me. All deps are satisfied, all files required to build exist, it could be GCC or Python changes.

I did it again and recorded a video of 5 minutes.
Compiz reloaded test in 20.04 beta > it broken Mate
Go to forward to 2.52 to watch Mate broken.

Here a video recorded:

I found the problem. It seems like that Scott once again overestimated how well a job he did with Compiz because py3 doesn't work with ccsm and it also kind of just breaks everything.

Uninstall Compiz completely (to the best of your ability), modify prerequisites to use python-dev-is-python2, then sudo apt remove -y python-dev-is-python3 && sudo apt autoremove -y before ./go'ing again.

I will make the appropriate changes to my guide.

Please, test before write a guide. I did it again, with python-dev-is-python2 instead of python-dev-is-python3 from clean install of 20.04 "beta". It's better, but Mate is still broken.

Here my videos recorded

Part 1 : compile of compiz

Part 2 : test with compiz --replace before reboot

Part 3 : after reboot with compiz --replace in mate-session-properties

With 20.04 LTS, compiz reloaded still broken Mate.

What do you mean broken? Could you please specify? I just installed Compiz-Reloaded, no issue at all.

However, I noticed significant reduction in smoothness. The animation isn't as smooth as before. I tried to untick VBlank in CCSM and things became better now.

Compiz reloaded 0.8.18 crash in Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS. Easy to reproduce the problem. Follow the guide to install compiz reloaded in 20.04, after compiled, go to settings of compiz and enable animations. Then, run compiz:
compiz --replace
then open and close any of window > crash's compiz
Edit: after some investigate, compiz crash when closing any window while animation is enabled.
Edit2: no crash if no closing animation while animation is enabled.
Video recorded of the problem. Bellow the full log of install and compile.

When installing Compiz Reloaded, did you receive any warning / failure prompts? Was it all good?

Have you tried this option?

I got no error while compiling, you can see the log attached in my previous post.
Edit: the option "compiz-decorator --replace" is already enabled in windows decoration. I can confirm that the crash occur when there is a closing animation in the animation option with animation enabled:

Screenrecorded while compiz crash:


Have you tried this?

Otherwise too bad I guess. Animation is a big thing in Compiz.

I made a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 installation. Updated, then installed Compiz Reloaded with no broken compilation. I enabled Compiz via MATE Tweaks then restarted my system (I don't do Compiz --replace). All is working good but was buggy until I untick VBlank. Now Compiz is much better.

Yes, I did it since your first suggestion. The crash occur after some windows closing. See that, crash only after many closing:

Again, crash occur only if there is a closing animation in animations with animations enabled. If no closing animation = no crash.
How to make a backtrace with gdb? My tests to get backtrace are not succeeds.

Sorry, the crash I observed occur only in virtual machine. So, this a driver issue and not compiz. When I test compiz reloaded in live 20.04, no crash. Compiz reloaded 0.8.18 works fine in Mate 20.04. I tested the function I love, in particular animation opening, closing and close window with mouse gesture left click on right screen edge. I'm confused.