2022 and gamepads support still sucks?

Ever since SO LONG I have been hoarding on Steam games supporting Linux.

I also have tried many times to host party nights of local coop gaming using gamepads and joysticks.

And it always never worked.

The only times that I managed to host FUN nights of multiplayer gaming using a Linux system was when all of those controllers were plugged via USB. Which killed a lot of the fun as you can imagine.

Now as 2022 is coming close and with 21.10 out I do not see much (if any) improvements in that regards.

So tell me people: am I the only one around here daydreaming about such possibilities?

Or even better yet: do YOU have a success story of multiplayer gaming using WIRELESS gamepads on your Linux system? Am curious to know because right now to me this seems like a f-a-r fetched fantasy.
