22.04.5 released - please amend download links

Choose a release | Download will need another amendment.

s/22.04.4/22.04.5 in text & URLs for download...

( I'm finished with Ubuntu News stuff, so about to amend the links for Lubuntu )


Hi, @guiverc :slight_smile:

Thanks for the announcement of the Release of Ubuntu MATE 22.04.5 LTS - which is the fifth "point release" of Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS ("Jammy Jellyfish") and for the "heads-up" regarding the download links in the https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/amd64/jammy/ web page.

I've submitted, a few hours ago, the following "Pull Request" for the "ubuntu-mate.org repository in GitHub " - "feat: update downloads for 22.04 from 22.04.4 to 22.04.5 by ricmarques · Pull Request #179 · ubuntu-mate/ubuntu-mate.org " - https://github.com/ubuntu-mate/ubuntu-mate.org/pull/179 - with the changes that I think are necessary to fix that problem in the https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/amd64/jammy/ web page:

Namely, the changes that I've made in the commit of my pull request are the following:

As you know, I do NOT have any write privileges to that ubuntu-mate.org "Git Hub" repository, but I know that @franksmcb does have those write privileges, and so does @Wimpy (Martin Wimpress) himself (obviously). So, let's hope that one of them accepts that "pull request" of mine :slight_smile:


Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Just a quick follow-up to my own previous reply to say that, a few hours ago, @franksmcb accepted my "Pull Request" - "feat: update downloads for 22.04 from 22.04.4 to 22.04.5 by ricmarques · Pull Request #179 · ubuntu-mate/ubuntu-mate.org" - and merged it to the "master" branch of the "ubuntu-mate.org" repository in GitHub (thanks @franksmcb !). That action by @franksmcb had the desired consequences of:

1 - replacing "22.04.4 LTS" by "22.04.5 LTS" in the "Download" web page (in the "Ubuntu MATE" web site) of Ubuntu MATE for the "64-bit PCs / Macs " Architecture - https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/amd64/ ...

2 - ... and also of updating (correcting) the download links (and SHA256 checksum) of the respective "Choose a download" web page - https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/amd64/jammy/ - so they now correctly point to the ISO file "ubuntu-mate-22.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso", which is the ISO file for the ".5" point release Ubuntu MATE 22.04.5 LTS ("Jammy Jellyfish")