Every now and then I find enough strenght and courage to attempt a stupid upgrade stunt on a production machine and it always end up in catastrophe. I then hate myself and rage at my poor judgement but then realize that when I share my problems with this community that I ALWAYS manage to find solutions. And you've guessed it: today is one of those days. So no pressure
So I recently upgraded to 22.10 on my production machine and I started configuring it back. I even managed to get a few reboots done without any problems. But it's now been a couple of days since I had touched it but finally found some time today. So I rebooted it again wishing this would close the playbook activities once and for all. And I was wrong.
So here I am, with a bunch of problems I have no idea how to tackle, hoping to get some precious help.
Problem #1 - TTY7 refuses to start (Failed to start Light Display Manager)
After googling it out, I mostly found support article such as lightdm - failed to start Light Display Manager - Ask Ubuntu but when I invoked
sudo dpkg -l | grep lightdm
it showed ii lightdm
so lightdm is installed. But even if it wouldn't be I would still have another issue...
Problem #2 - No IP address because NIC is configured via a static IP in TTY7
This one should fix itself by bringing TTY7 back up but as of right now I am unable to do any remove diagnostic because it uses a static IP address that I configured under MATE's Edit connection
Therefore I also need to ask is if this feature or is this a bug? That is, when one manually configures network IPs in GUI is networking really supposed NOT to work when GUI doesn't work and we can only work via terminal? Or does it seems worthy of opening a bug?
Problem #3 - Is it really a big problem #3 or are they really smaller and distinct problemS ?
Looking back at the previous screenshot we can read Dev loop11: unable to read RDB block 8
. Based on my experience, Dev loop
is harddrive related. But is it really though?
sudo dmesg
as a couple more things to say:
At the 38th second we do see more Dev loop11 related content. For me this proves that there would also be a potential problem there. So "problem #3" would be "Dev Loop 11 errors".
But then at 64 seconds there is a UBSAN error which seems to be sound-related. So that would be problem #4: "UBSAN problem".
So, what's your view on all of the above? Is it just one big lightdm problem that will see everything else fixed when working again OR is it really 3 separated problems(and 1 bug) like I think it is?