A few thoughts, but mainly an introduction

I’ve been lurking in these forums for a while, but didn’t have anything useful to contribute, so didn’t join. Then I did have something to contribute… so I joined :wink:

My name is Chris - I’m male and I’m not young - I’m more than 60 and less than 150… so quite old, though young at heart :wink: I’ve used Linux off and on since the first proper SuSE Linux (4.2) - but always needed Windows for a number of essential programs. For over a year, I’ve used just Linux (Linux Mint mostly), as I found either alternative Linux programs, or just ran Windows in a virtual machine (good old Virtualbox… what would we do without it).

A few months ago, I decided to try the beta of Ubuntu Mate 16.04, and I was surprised how well it suited me. It did everything I wanted it to, and in a way that was familiar to me. I’m not a fan of the new Tablet-style interfaces, I prefer to stick with what I’m used to, which for many years, was the interface of Windows XP. If, OTOH, I was using a tablet with a touch screen (instead of Laptops and Desktops), I’d prefer the Android (or Unity) style of interface… but I’m not, so Mate is pretty much perfect.

You won’t see me asking many questions, as one of my talents is finding answers to questions I have without actually asking… well, I do ask Google :wink: Nothing much in this world is unique, and pretty much everything has happened before. So, if I keep losing Wifi, you can be sure that it happened to someone else before - I just need to search to find the fix that works. But I will post answers to other people’s questions, but only when I’m 100% sure I’ve the right answer.

Oh, and while I’ve got your attention; the latest Mate 1.14.1 is a good upgrade. I find it more responsive generally, and I was pleased to see Caja tidying up the column widths in list view. Other things too, but it’s not a review, so two things will do for now :wink:


Greetings :slight_smile:

You may like the unity theme.

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