I use Ubuntu-Mate on my home computers thanks to the Orca screenreader.
I just bought a Raspberry PI 4 with 4GB of RAM. I have been using these boards for years, often using SSH to get into them to work on accessibility, that is, to get either Orca on the desktop, or eSpeak in the terminal so I can use it without going through SSH.
In version 18 and 20, I cannot get the screenreader Orca to work, and I read that SSH is not enabled, and the user is faced with a setup screen on first boot.
If there is a setup screen coming up, how is one supposed to invoke Orca?
Now, how is a Blind person supposed to use Ubuntu-Mate if they cannot get speech output going?
I read on the main page:
Ubuntu MATE is a stable, easy-to-use operating system with a configurable desktop environment. It is ideal for those who want the most out of their computers and prefer a traditional desktop metaphor. With modest hardware requirements it is suitable for modern workstations, single board computers and older hardware alike. Ubuntu MATE makes modern computers fast and old computers usable. -
I guess this is only true if you are not Blind.