Add distro slogan to main website's title?

Many distros have their slogan displayed in the main website's title. How about we do the same? What do you think about the Ubuntu MATE slogan as compared to the others? Any need for refinement?

Ubuntu MATE: For a retrospective future
Kubuntu: Friendly computing
Lubuntu: lightweight, fast, easier
Manjaro Linux: Enjoy the simplicity
Linux Mint: from freedom came elegance
Antergos: Your Linux. Always Fresh. Never Frozen.
Debian: The universal operating system
Ubuntu: The leading OS for PC, tablet, phone and cloud

Would anyone really notice it?, I don’t need it myself, maybe someone else does!. :smiley:

I don’t think there’s any harm in adding a slogan … however it took me a bit of looking to even notice exactly what and where slogans appeared.

IMO this is something to do because it can be done.

“Windows 10: How the HECK did I wind up here???” :smiley:


you can’t apply logic where logic doesn’t apply :mortar_board:

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What do you think about this @lah7?

I looked at the other sites, they seem to display the slogan on the home page, so that’s what I’ve gone for.


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