Add help and close buttons to Mate Tweak?

Is it possible to add Help and Close buttons to Mate Tweak? Many tweaks are not self-explanatory and this would make it easier for new users.


I agree. Linux Mint added the close button so it fits in better with MATE.

Agreed on a close button.

I don’t think MATE Tweak has any documentation for the help program, so I think there should be tooltips instead when the user hovers over an option.


Tooltips are great. By the way, is there an option to activate and deactivate tooltips for MATE?

Agreed on both the help and close button.

I added a close button to MATE Tweak a few weeks ago and I’ve just added tooltips to every option in MATE Tweak. These will only be available in Ubuntu MATE 17.10 and upwards.