Additional scaling options


I recently was given a Dell business laptop with a 1080p display. But I've noticed the scaling/dpi is not quite right.
Everything looks tiny, and when I go to the Display / Mate Tweaks settings, I only see options for 100% or 200% scaling. Both options aren't quite right.
Would it be possible for more values to be added? 125, 150, 175, etc?
For me Ubuntu MATE has always been the best Linux distro out there, and this is the first time I've found myself uncomfortable using it.

A fantastic OS all in all though.


Welcome @tomthetaffer to the community!

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What are your resolution options? It sounds like the resolution chosen isn't exactly native to the screen.

System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Displays


It is a known problem. It is solved by tweaking font size, though.

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Hi, I have a long list of resolutions, right up to 1080p, non are indicated as native in the Display menu. However it's a Dell Latitude 5480, which apparently has three models - one with a 1366x768 res, the other two with 1080p.
I tried the lower resolution, but it didn't look right at all.

Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I have improved things by increasing the font size, but I don't feel like this fixes the issue completely. Thank you for helping me improve things though.

Hi tom,

I also have a laptop with a 14" 1920x1080 display.
I just switch it to 1600x900, thereby pushing the scaling problem from the software domain to the hardware domain.
Same quality as software scaling but more energy efficient :slight_smile:

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