Alt+Tab Window Switcher


I am running Ubuntu MATE 14.04 and I really would like to have the window switcher appear similarly to the main edition of Ubuntu (see as I find it easier to navigate the window switcher when windows of a particular application are grouped together into a large icon. Is there a way to get this window switcher in Ubuntu MATE? If not, is it something that can be considered for a future Ubuntu MATE release? It would really help with multitasking if it’s something that can be configured in MATE Tweak.


Try Compiz . It is wath you are looking for .
sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager
press ALT+F2 and type compiz --replace
You are done . With CCSM ----------------------^
you can tweak compiz settings.


Thanks for your response.

I’ve tried the different window switching options in CCSM and none of them replicate how the application switcher looks and works in the main edition of Ubuntu. When I tried the standard Application Switcher in CCSM, it also seemed to use low-resolution icons. I wouldn’t mind using Compiz if there was a good Application Switcher I could use, as it really helps me multitask quickly.
