Ambiant-MATE-custom icon theme

I like ambiant-mate icons theme but, as for me it lacks apps icons, so I just added some.(firefox, thundrebird, chromium, system-monitor, terminal, sm-player, keepassx, keepasxc). You can write here and ask me to add icons for apps you need and I'll try to find something that fits this theme.
Here is an example how my plank dock looks now with new icons.

P.S. I did not draw any of them, just tweaked a little bit.

UPD: Add some icons from elementary icon theme for mimes, categories, devices, apps and a few other icons from different themes. Control centre now looks more organic.


I don’t actually use the plank application but thanks for posting the icons!

Is it likely that non-plank users would get a benefit from installing and switching to this theme?

Icons work globally , not only for plank :slight_smile:

I get that, what I mean is are these icons that are primarily missing when you use plank (because the icons aren’t the right sizes, etc) or are these icons that are flat out missing systemwide?

As for me - some standart apps icons doesn’t fit into the theme. My personal advantage is nice looking plank(which, imho, looks odd without that additional icons),but as it applies systemwide - it makes launchers, app-menus, etc. look better too, I think.

Did I answered your question?

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You did. I’ll have to give this a try and see for myself if it spices up things for me.