Annoying Title Bar

This bugs me too, especially as a long time Mac user. Luckily, I’ve had good luck with the HTitle extension to hide Firefox’s titlebar.

It’s designed to work with Gnome Shell, and I’ve had trouble with non-mutter-based window managers, such is Xfce’s wm, but it seems to work fine with Mate. (Maybe because of the shared ancestry of Mate’s wm and mutter?).

(I also use a vertical panel to save more vertical screen real estate – in fact, this option is one reason I first started using Mate – but that’s another topic.)

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Wow, there’s a Firefox extension for that! Brilliant. I will try these things out later when I get back to my laptop.

Just be sure and enable “legacy mode” in Htitles preferences. That will get rid of the double window controls when not maximized.

Works perfectly. Thanks guys. I use firefox more than anything else so the browser extension is an easy fix. I can do that easily in other distros too.

Not that you asked, but I’ll suggest a browser extension in turn. I use firefox because I’m obsessed with the Wappalyzer extension, which doesn’t display as well in chromium based browsers. Wappalyzer does its best to figure out what kind of stack and what applications frameworks are at play in each website I visit. It tells me that this forum runs on rails and makes use of a silly amount of javascript. Ember and Rails together? Really? It also shows CloudFlare instead of the server stack, which is interesting.

For Gnome there was this excelent option that we cant install on MATE

they havent update the MATE version!

Can anyone help?

for MATE this option can help:

Another thing you can do is simply delete the top panel, and add all the applets you need to the bottom panel. I do this to achieve a more Windows-like desktop. Of course, this doesn’t help with the window titlebar, but it’s at least a partial solution.


IvCHo: Where can I find that option in the dconf Editor? Thanks!


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That’s much better! Thanks v3xx!

Is it possible displaying the window buttons in the panel? Close, Minimize and Maximize.

I am working on a applet that does that . See the thread : Developing a Window Buttons Applet for Mate


More than anything I’d be interested in in integrating the menu bar and the title bar in the respective program windows.

Displaying the buttons in the menu bar would be one possible way to go, I guess, but the actual title bar is good to have when dragging unmaximized windows around. The other way would be having the window decorator displaying the program menus instead of the window title - next to the close, minimize and maximize buttons.

Would this be possible?

Unity (7) can do that, and it uses Compiz, so it is possible. Unity uses its own Compiz decorations (I think that’s ghr term), and how easy it would be to do the same in MATE I don’t know.

I’ve just learnt that there’s something called GTK HeaderBar. This field seems to be able of displaying window buttons along with File, Edit, Tools and Help menus.

But then…? How do I apply that function to my system? Should it be added to the GTK theme or what?

@letter_weaver you have the top panel unhidden. You can tick ‘hide automatically’ with right click on any panel. I recommend you to do it.

@Svento the Gtk HeaderBar has to be implemented by the Developers of the app . If the app by default has Header Bar or a option to show it , you can use it . (Some examples are "Gnome Apps" , "Pitivi" and etc.) .

In Mate the Gtk dialogs have option to use the HeaderBar or Classic titlebar .
Here is the " File chooser dialog" with HeaderBar :

Here is withought the HeaderBar :

To change the GtkDialogs to use HeaderBar in MATE desktop chose do this command

gsettings set org.mate.interface gtk-dialogs-use-header true

I will try that as soon as I come home. Would it be possible changing the look of the buttons?

Regarding my other idea: how do I make the decorator show the menus? I talked with some guy in real life the other day, and he guessed it should be rather easy. Just add that information about drawing menus in the Metacity script instead of the GTK script.

I tried to run that command in the terminal, but nothing happened.

Ogh sorry . the correct command is

gsettings set org.mate.desktop.interface gtk-dialogs-use-header true

if not : open dconf-editor . Navigate to org/mate/desktop/interface .
enable gtk-dialogs-use-header .