[ANSWERED] Web links open in the wrong browser

I’m using Ubuntu MATE 15.04 and I use Chromium as my main browser. In preferred applications I have changed the web browser to Chromium but still for example in Skype and other applications the web links open in Firefox.

Is there some other place where I have to change it or is it just broken?

This is likely to be a bug. I’ve had some issues with applications opening the wrong default programs in the past.

Preferred Applications is supposed to be the place to go, but you can try doing it manually as a workaround:

Open ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list in a text editor.

Add this under the [Default Applications] heading:


If this file or category doesn’t exist, you can create them.

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Thanks, now it’s working on most of the applications.

For some reason Skype still opens web links in Firefox, but that might be Skype’s problem as the linux version is pretty bad.