Anyone got the Ubuntu MATE 14.10 amd64 ISO?

I'm gathering some old ISOs of Ubuntu MATE to preserve a bit of history, but I can't seem to acquire a copy of the amd64 build of the very first 14.10 release!

14.04 actually was the second release while Ubuntu MATE was an unofficial "remix"

Luckily, I managed to salvage 45.3% from an archived amd64 link on the Internet Archive, but it's missing the remaining 54.7%.

If you've still got a copy, please consider adding it to your Bittorrent client and seed it to spread the retro-re-retrospective past. :slight_smile: :crossed_fingers:

:x: 14.10 amd64 - ubuntu-mate-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent (77.4 KB)
:white_check_mark: 14.10 i386 - ubuntu-mate-14.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent (78.1 KB)

Thank you to the mysterious torrent user who seeded 14.10 i386! This has been archived at

If you looking to use an older ubuntu mate for older pc's I suggest you use 14.04 instead since it had support until 2019 while ubuntu 14.10 was supported until 2015
I don't know of that many apps that support 14.10 and not 14.04 or 16.04

I've got 14.04 in my collection - the hunt for 14.10 is to preserve the distro's history.

Despite the release name, 14.04 (2014-11-11) was actually released after 14.10 (2014-10-23) to take advantage of Ubuntu's LTS at the time while it was a newly founded remix flavour.

Update: We have the 14.10 i386 ISO! Thank you to whoever was seeding this.

We now have a browsable directory listing for old releases of this flavour:

The amd64 build is still incomplete, as well as 15.10 PowerPC build.


I found it! Currently seeding at the torrent link above, although nobody's downloading.

I found it in LinuxUser Magazine Cover Discs, Volume/Jahrgang 2014 (German) : Computec Media GmbH : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive for interest, so you can download from there if you want (I used "iat" to convert the MDF/MDS into an ISO).


Also, @lah7, can you put 21.04 into ?

That's amazing - thanks for finding that! I thought we lost it to history.

By the time I opened the torrent, maybe you had gone offline - there were no seeders. I appreciate the tip of where it was on the Internet Archive! :+1:

Got the file, verified its a 1:1 match and we now have a complete historic collection. Hats off to you! :tophat:


Heh... about 21.04.... I haven't been active around here nor do I use Ubuntu MATE anymore.

I didn't actually have a copy, but thanks to Internet Archive, they had crawled a copy. The SHA256 hash matches what was committed in the website repository, so it's all good!

I've put together a cron script so the server is now going to automatically save copies from

It would be good to know what happens officially on Canonical's servers:


Thanks @lah7 . Yes, sorry, I rebooted after a couple hours of seeding and forgot to restart! Glad you got it anyway.

21.10 also seems to be hard to find, although it's on