App Center wants to update Snap Store

Hi guys

App center wants to update Snap Store

and I get this
Screenshot at 2024-06-08 15-23-46

No impact on my day-to-day work, but thought I'd submit here.


I tend to avoid snap apps for this very reason. When something goes wrong, it's kind of hard to isolate the root cause. The best I can suggest is to check your snap apps. The snap command line has a ton of debug options. Check out the manual pages: man 8 snap.

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Hi, @Watford :slight_smile:

I confirm that I get the same behavior / bug / problem, in an Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS ("Noble Numbat") VM (VIrtual Machine), that is: if I open the "App Center", and then I click on the "Manage" page / tab, if one of the pending updates happens to be for the application "Snap Store" (actually "Snap Store" is now the "App Center") and I then click on the "Update" button (or on the "Update All" button if there's more than one update available) then a dialog box appears with the following error message:

Unknown Snapd Exception

cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (snap-store), pids: 4183

(the "pids" - Process ID numbers - may vary, of course).

I've found that this is a known issue, as demonstrated in the following bug / issue reports, in the Ubuntu's App Center GitHub Repository:

There's apparently a workaround that consists of closing the App Center and then running the following command to kill the "snap-store" process(es) and refresh the "snap-store" snap:

killall snap-store && sudo snap refresh snap-store

... as documented, for instance, in the following "It's FOSS" article:

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

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