App menu doesn't re-register application 22.04

I was trying to set flags for launching Signal desktop to line up in both the 'App Menu' (which can be edited via the 'Main Menu' app) - which I believe is also 'brisk-menu' - as well as the Plank dock.

Long story short I had started with Plank and set it up to execute via a file in my home folder ~/.local/share/applications/signal-desktop.desktop which had the correct flags.

When I looked at the settings in 'Main Menu' (which looked like the app for editing the menu) the flags looked correct, however when I launched signal-desktop the flags were not set correctly. It seemed to launch via /usr/share/applications/signal-desktop.desktop.

As an experiment, I discarded the changes to Plank and deleted the signal-desktop item in 'Main Menu'. However, now I'm not sure how to get it back in the app menu.

I tried re-installing Signal and the menu applet, but it doesn't come up; I couldn't find documentation to help me locate the settings for the main menu. I thought it was find the /usr/share/applications/signal-desktop.desktop file and create a new item, but it has not.

Any hints? Where are the files for the main menu?

I found the files eventually:


There was an <Exclude> entry that contained signal desktop.

However, now I am back where I started. The app menu doesn't launch signal via ~/.local/share/applications/signal-desktop.desktop ... it still launches via /usr/... even though the Main Menu app says otherwise.

I think this must be an issue where there are two .desktop files, the Main Menu app seems to defer to the ~/local/share/applications folder as 'expected', but the app menu itself does not.

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