Arctica Greeter configuration? Alternatives?

Not really sure how to word this...

Is there any way to configure Arctica Greeter? I'd like to center the login box to the middle of the screen away from its current position in the left middle. Failing that, is there an alternative I can use that would give me a more GDM like centered login box?

lightdm does not allow to center the login box, use gdm.

@tkn posted this


Yeah I saw that searching before I decided to post the question.

I have already changed the wallpaper, it's not a big deal. Is there a reason why GDM is not used by the distro? I am leery of changing it only to find out I borked my system.

For the lightdm display manager, at least lightdm-gtk-greeter was configurable and allowed to move login box.

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