Arctica greeter default theme question

Hi all, I would like your help in understanding arctica greeter theming. There is a bug #1900633 regarding arctica greeter not honoring gsetting changes. I am not asking about it. I wanted to know from where we get the default theme. I was checking the github and noticed latest commit removes distro specific themes. We had Ubuntu MATE and some Debian themes in the form of gschema.overrides. But those are gone now. The only gschema available is org.ArcticaProject.arctica-greeter.gschema.xml. This file has defaults different than the one we get at login screen. See attached snap to know what I mean.

From where we are getting the gsettings schema that matches login theme we see but is different from /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.ArcticaProject.arctica-greeter.gschema.xml?

Hi @saivinob,

that schema gets overridden in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/30_ubuntu-mate.gschema.override. You may edit this file directly for desired background. After that recompile schemas with sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/.

Hope this helps


@ironfoot, thank you so much. :smile:

I didn't look for (silly me) override file in my PC (/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas). I just looked at project and saw override files removed and searched /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas only with 'arctica' as search string. Apparently this override file is used for many UM-specific settings (e.g., disable csd for celluloid, default-layout is 'familiar' for mate-panel etc.). Good to know.

Now that I learnt about it, I will wait for the bug #1900633 to be fixed rather than edit directly a file under /usr/share. :sweat_smile: Thank you again.