Are you up to a challenge and a clean joke?

Are you up to a challenge and a clean joke?

The challenge is Ubuntu related.

Yes, I suppose I am.

(What on Earth could this be? :question:)

Yes, I'm curious :slight_smile:

The challenge.

Normalize the sound of DVD movies.

Some humor

A lawyer was opening the door of his BMW, when suddenly a car came along and struck the door, ripping it completely off the hinges.

When police arrived at the scene, the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW.

"Officer, look what they've done to my car!" he whined.

"You lawyers are so materialistic, it's incredible!" retorted the officer, "You're so concerned about your stupid BMW that you didn't even notice your left arm has been ripped off".

Upon heaering this the lawyers eyes shoot wide open as he jolts his head towards the left shoulder, only to find that his arm was indeed completely missing.

"Oh my god!", replied the lawyer, "Where's my Rolex!"



While playing I assume ?

The auto-gain function of pulseeffects (for pulseaudio) a.k.a easyeffects (for pulse / pipewire)

But if you want a copy of the DVD and have that normalized in the process do this:

  1. rip the DVD with a tool of your choice (often handbrake) to a single videofile.
  2. Use 'avidemux' to apply normalization to the audio like in the image below:

Or using the commandline (if you want to script it):

  1. you first have to split the audio from the video
ffmpeg -i videofile.mkv  audiofile.wav
  1. normalize the audiotrack
sox --norm audiofile.wav normalized_audio.wav
  1. add the audiotrack back to the video
ffmpeg -i videofile.mkv -i normalized_audio.wav -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -c:v copy video_w_normalized_audio.mkv

instead of using 'sox' you can use any of the tools mentioned in the link below (except replay-gain functions):


I have everything installed.

My pulse audio is not the same as the screenshots.

I am wanting the sounds from a movie to be normalized so I can hear it o.k. and not have sudden increases of volume like hollywood likes to incorporate.


P.S. Is there a way to get a copy or picture of a whole webpage?
I am filling a medical complaint and like to document things.
I prefer not to have to download the whole webpage.

If the site permits, you can use PDFmage to save an "exact" image of the page as a PDF file.

When that fails, my fallback is "Print Friendly & PDF"


thanks Eric for your help.

When browsing just press ctrl-P to print to PDF.

If needed, use pdftocairo to convert this pdf to PNG, JPEG, TIFF, PDF, PS, EPS, or SVG


The screenshot is not from pulseaudio but from pulse-effects which is a pulseaudio plugin.

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Another way:

use VLC to playback your DVD movies
choose from the menu
tools -> effects and filters -> Audio Effects -> Compressor


LOL for sure. That was totally funny!

As someone with a basic idea about audio - I was also thinking compressor. I like this solution.

It might also be possible with PipeWire's filter chain module and som LV2 filters from e.g. Linux Studio Plugins Project

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Yes it surely would. There are so many to choose from :slight_smile:
Thanks for the links b.t.w. because I mainly have used 'calf-plugins' on Ardour so the tip about 'Linux Studio Plugin Project' is more than welcome :slight_smile:
(also tnx 4 the pipewire chain module link which seems to be totally LADSPA and LV2 compatible. I like that)

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