Can one of the experts here tell me (us) how, in some layman’s terms, how THIS translate into some easy install for users of UM 17.04/17.10 ?
ASUS WebStorage Remote Drive (Linux kernel)
Installation Manual
• Catalog Structure
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• System requirement:
Mono runtime v.2.10.2
• How to install Mono to CentOS
1. Download Mono v.2.10.2
2. Download libgdiplus-2.10
3. Use root ID to decompress and compile
3. Compile and install libgdiplus
tar -jxvf libgdiplus-2.10.tar.bz2
cd libgdiplus-2.10.tar.bz2
./configure --prefix=/opt/mono
make install
echo “/opt/mono/lib” > /etc/
b. Compile and install mono
tar jxvf mono-2.10.2.tar.bz2
cd mono-2.10.2
./configure --prefix=/opt/mono
make install
4. Added below environment variables to the bottom layer of /etc/bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/mono/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
export C_INCLUDE_PATH="/opt/mono/include"
export ACLOCAL_PATH="/opt/novell/share/aclocal"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/mono/share/pkgconfig:/opt/mono/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
export MANPATH="/opt/mono/share/man:$MANPATH"
export PATH="/opt/mono/bin:$PATH"
5. Use source /etc/bashrc or re-login to load environment setting after finished
• How to install WebStorage Remote Drive
4. tar -zxvf remotedrive.tgz
5. cd remotedrive
6. chmod +x *.sh
7. sudo ./ –run
Note 1: opensuse version needs interactive install (required mono fuse component installation)
Note 2: CentOS version needs to install mono first
• How to start WebStorage Remote Drive
8. Switch to remotedrive catalog
9. sudo ./ <userid> <userpasswd> <PATH>
ex: sudo ./ asuscloud01 00000000 /tmp/ASUSCLOUD
• How to stop WebStorage Remote Drive
10. Switch to remotedrive catalog
- sudo ./
And not knowing what would be the actual result and bug free (?) behaviour.