When I try to open any mp3 or ogg file located in a Windows NFTS I get 'Permission denied" error in Audacious, although I have reading and writting permission in that whole partitions. I did not have this kind of problem in previous versions of Ubuntu MATE.
Is that an internal NTFS partition, or plug-N-play USB (stick/disk) ?
Ubuntu is installed on SSD and NFTS partitions are on separate hard disk. But both disks are internal.
Close all open Audacious windows. Then, in a terminal, what do you get as messaging if you enter
audacious --play {full-path-to-mp3-file}
When I try this I get absolutely nothing. I even redirected result of the command into a text file, and there is also nothing.
I have to ask: did you give it a filename to play?
Yes of course I did.
Only other thing I come up with is this, option on the mounting of the NTFS device:
I've just checked. I am able to open and play these files with Rhythmbox and Celluloid. So the problem is just with Audacious.
Then, maybe the issue is about special characters in the filenames. There was mention of that on the Audacious site at one point. Quite possibly, you might need to strip single-quotes in the filenames.
Otherwise, I am at a loss.
I had trouble with that myself. See if it is set up to pipe wire or alsa if you haven't already done so.
OK, I've found (at least temporary) solution. When I've installed the OS, I've installed Audacious through the 'APP center' which has installed Audacious 4.4.1 version. But when I've opened Synaptic I saw that there was only version 4.3.1 available. So, I've uninstalled the 4.4.1 version through the App center and after that I've installed the other older version through Synaptic. So now I am able to play files from NFTS partitions as well.
That underlines the "good practice" of only installing package versions that have been vetted/adapted for UbuntuMATE as identified by the distro-specific package listings, which Synaptic abides by, unless you override that by adding PPAs and the like.
Installing directly from package source is hazardous endeavour which comes with its own risks.
OK , but the 'App center' was installed together with the MATE from the beginning, so I really didn't know that it contains 'nonstandard' apps.